This figure shows a switching
network G' solving the directed connectivity problem on
input graphs G with vertices V(G) = {s,a,b,t}. In this
switching network, each edge is switched on if and only if
its label is contained in the input graph G. For example,
for the given input graph G, the green edges in the
switching network G' are switched on as their labels are
edges in G while the red edges are switched off. Here there
is a path in G' from the start node s' to the accept node
t', so G' correctly accepts the given input graph G. More
generally, there is a path from s' to t' in the switching
network G' if and only if there is a path from s to t in the
input graph G.
Determining the minimum size of a switching network solving
directed connectivity on n vertices is a fundamental open
problem. Resolving this open problem would resolve the
notorious L (Logarithmic space) versus NL (Non-deterministic
logarithmic space) problem.